Thursday, May 10, 2007






After learning about greetings and farewells in the previous lesson, I want to make myself sure that you’ve succeeded in mastering lesson 1. Now, say some phrases below :

If you see smile icon ( J ), it means that you have to say or pronounce the phrase.

J Selamat pagi !

J Selamat siang !

J Selamat sore !

J Selamat malam !

J Selamat tinggal !

J Sampai jumpa !

J Hati – hati !

J Selamat Tidur !

J Semoga berhasil !

GREAT JOB !!!, you get improvement in speaking Bahasa Indonesia.

Let’s continue our lesson! After learning about greeting, we need to learn about introduction in Bahasa Indonesia. Of course it’s necessary when we want to introduce ourselves or want to introduce to Indonesian people. When we meet ‘stranger’ at the first time, what information do we want to know most ? Great !!! They’re name, address, origin, aren’t they?.

In Lesson 2, I’ll learn you about introduction. It contains of how to introduce ourselves, and how to ask about someone’s name, address, origin. At the end of this lesson, I’ll give you a short introduction conversation, and I hope you can use it when you meet Indonesian people as the first step in making good relationship.

Let’s start learning !

First of all, it’s better if you ask people to whom you want to introduce whether you may introduce to them or not.

What will you say ?

( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

(if you find (….’….) Open and read The Intoduction for learn how to spell characters in Indonesian)

Bolehkah saya berkenalan ? (bo’leh’kah-sa’ya-ber’ke’na’lan)

May I introduce ?

Silahkan! (si’lah’kan)

Yes, please!

Boleh. (bo’leh)

Yes, you may.

Tentu ! (ten’tu)

Of course !

Tidak boleh ! (ti’dak-bo’leh)

No, you may not.

“bolehkah” means “may”.

“saya” means “I”.

“berkenalan” means “introduce”

For the answers, “Silahkan !”, “Boleh”, “Tentu !” are the positive answers and you’re allowed to introduce to them.

But, if the answer is “ Tidak boleh !”, it means that you’re not allowed to introduce to them.

After that, we need to ask about someone’s condition or feeling.

Apa kabar ? (a’pa-ka’bar)

How do you do ? or How are you ?

Bagaimana kabar kamu ? (ba’gai’ma’na-ka’bar-ka’mu)

How do you do ? or How are you ?

“Apa kabar ?” has same meaning as “Bagaimana kabar kamu ?”.

“kamu” means “you”.

In English, two phrases above mean “How do you do ?” and “How are you ? ”

For attention, in English, “How do you do ?” and “How are you ? ” have same meaning, but have different function.

“How do you do ?” is used when you meet new person.

on the other hand, “How are you ? ” is used when you meet your old friend.

But, in Bahasa Indonesia, there is no different to ask someone’s condition or feeling when you meet people whether they are new or old people in your life,

just ask them with question : “Apa kabar?” or “Bagaimana kabarmu ?”.

Now, how to answer that question ?

Kabar saya baik. (ka’bar-sa’ya-ba’ik)

I am fine.

Saya sehat. (sa’ya-se’hat)

I feel good.

Baik. (ba’ik)

Fine, good

Two phrases above are used while we’re in good condition or feeling.

In this context, to be ( am, is, are, was, were, been) in English that is followed by noun and adjective, doesn’t have meaning and function in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, “Saya” can be meant as “I” and “ I am ”

At the first phrase, "baik” means “fine”.

At the second phrase, “sehat” means “good”.

The third phrase is the shortest answer. In this case, “baik” has 2 meanings in English, they are “fine” and “good”.

Funny, right!. Now, let’s try to answer some phrases below. The answers are in the brackets.

Apa kabar ?

J ( Kabar saya baik )

Bagaimana kabar kamu ?

J ( Baik )

Apa kabar ?

J ( Saya sehat )

Ok. So far, is there any progress in mastering Bahasa Indonesia ?. Wow, amazing!!!.

Let’s continue our lesson. Now, we’ll start learning how to ask someone’s name, address, and origin.

Nama kamu siapa? (na’ma-ka’mu-si’a’pa)

What is your name ?

Siapa kamu ? (si’a’pa-ka’mu)

Who are you ?

Those questions use for asking someone’s name. How will you answer it ?

Nama saya Billy (na’ma-sa’ya-billy)

My name is Billy

Saya Billy. (sa’ya-billy)

I am Billy

“Saya” as I’ve explained before, can be meant as “I”, and “ I am ”.

For an additional note, “My ” that is possessive pronoun for subject “ I ” in English, also means “saya”.

Therefore, “nama saya” means name whose person belongs to.

Explore some phrases below.

( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

Dimana rumahmu ? (di’ma’na-ru’mah’mu)

Where is your house ?

Dimanakah tempat tinggalmu ? (di’ma’na’kah-tem’pat-ting’gal’mu)

Where do you live ?

Dimana alamatmu ? (di’ma’na-a’la’mat’mu)

Where is your address ?

The phrases above are used for asking address.

“Dimana” is same as “Dimanakah”, that means “where”.

“rumah” means “house”.

“tempat tinggal” is an idiom of “rumah”, so, “tempat tinggal” is the same as “house”.

Let’s pay attention to word “tinggalmu” and “alamatmu”.

“mu” stands for “kamu”.

“kamu” means “ you”.

So, 2 phrases above can be :

Dimanakah tempat tinggalmu ? à Dimanakah tempat tinggal kamu ?

Dimana alamatmu ? à Dimana alamat kamu ?

Now, try to answer those questions.

Saya tinggal di Jalan Kanguru nomor 23, Jokjakarta.


I live at 23 Kanguru St., Jokjakarta.

Saya tinggal di Jalan Kanguru. (sa’ya-ting’gal-di-ja’lan-kang’gu’ru)

I live on Kanguru St.

Saya tinggal di Jokjakarta. (sa’ya-ting’gal-di-jog’ja’kar’ta)

I live in Jokjakarta.

Alamat saya adalah jalan Kanguru Nomor 23, Jokjakarta.


My address is at 23 Kanguru St., Jokjakarta.

“tinggal” means “live”.

“alamat” means “address”.

“alamat saya” means “my address”.

Number “23” in Bahasa Indonesia, can be read “dua puluh tiga”.

Now, try to say “dua puluh tiga”……. (du’a-pu’luh-ti’ga)

Do you know why I write Italic for preposition at, on, in ?

In English, preposition “at” is followed by complete address including street, number, city, floor number, country, etc.

Then, preposition “on” is only followed by street name.

The last is preposition “in”, it’s only followed by region name, such as : city, province, or country.

But in Bahasa Indonesia, “at”, “on”, “in” have same meaning that is “di”.

After word “di”, it can be followed by complete address, or street name only, or city only, moreover country only.

So far… do you feel confused ?. I’m sure you don’t.

Now, let’s move on !

( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

Darimana kamu berasal ? (da’ri’ma’na-ka’mu-ber’a’sal)

Where do you come from ?

“Darimana” contains of 2 words that are combined to be one word.

The words are derived from “dari” and “mana”

“dari” means “from”

“mana” stand for “dimana”, we’ve learned the meaning before, it means “where”.

So, “darimana” can be meant as “where…….from”.

“kamu”, you know the meaning exactly, don’t you?, it means “you”.

“berasal” can be meant as “come”.

How to answer that question ?

( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

Saya berasal dari Jakarta. (sa’ya-ber’a’sal-da’ri-ja’kar’ta)

I come from Jakarta.

Do you still remember the meaning of “berasal” and “dari”, right ?

Tentu ! (of course). We’ve already discussed it. Look at above !

How about “saya” ? Do you know the meaning ? Good answer !!!

“saya” means “I”.

For the closing, there are some phrases that can be said.

Baiklah ! (ba’ik’lah)

Okey !

Senang berkenalan dengan kamu. (se’nang-ber’ke’na’lan-de’ngan-ka’mu)

Nice to meet you.

Begitu juga dengan saya. (be’gi’tu-ju’ga-de’ngan-sa’ya)

Nice to meet you too.

Terima kasih. (te’ri’ma-ka’sih)

Thank You.

For practicing, I’ll give you a short conversation about introduction. You have to practice it immediately. If you forget how to say the phrases, you can review all the materials that I’ve given. Ask people around you as your partner.

A : Halo, boleh saya berkenalan ?

B : Tentu.

A : Nama saya David. Nama kamu siapa ?

B : Saya Michell.

A : Dimana rumahmu ?

B : Saya tinggal di jalan kanguru nomor 23, Jokjakarta.

A : Darimana kamu berasal ?

B : Saya berasal dari Jakarta.

A : Baiklah. Senang berkenalan dengan kamu.

B : Begitu juga dengan saya.

A : Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa.

B : Sampai jumpa.

Okey! It’s the end of lesson 2.

Struggle to master it. You can do it…. Don’t forget to review all the materials that I’ve given to you.

See you in the next lesson…..

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