Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lesson 4 Demonstrative Pronouns




After learning about personal pronouns, then we’ll learn how to ask or to demonstrate something.

But, before we continue to next stage, i shall test to what you true have realized lesson that i have given previous.

If you see smile icon ( J ), it means that you have to say or pronounce the phrase.

say word under this, and look for to mean in english.









I am sure that you have understand that

After a little test on a while ago, now we ready for next lesson. Where shall we discuss demonstrative pronouns

( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

(if you find (….’….) Open and read The Intoduction for learn how to spell characters in Indonesian)

Demonstrative pronouns

Example :

For asking about thing that you’re holding

“ini” means “this”

Ini (I’ni)


For asking about thing that’s in front of, far from you, or pointed toward by you.

“itu” means “that”

Itu (I’tu)


The next is that the word which something is intended to “ini” and “itu”

“Apa?” means “What?”

Ask about things and animals

Apa (A’pa)


“Siapa?” means “Who?”

Ask about people.

Now, let’s combine the previous words, become a question.

You ask about what a thing that you’re holding is.

“Apa ini?” means “What is this?”

Apa ini (A’pa I’ni)

What is this

You ask to someone who’s next to you.

“Siapa ini?” means “Who is this?”

Siapa ini? (Si’a’pa I’ni)

Who is this?

You ask about what a thing that’s in front of you is.

“Apa itu?” means “What is that?”

Apa itu? (A’pa I’tu)

What is that?

you ask, who is somebody laid at far

“Siapa itu?” means “Who is that?”

Siapa itu? (Si’a’pa I’tu)

Who is that?

Updated-additional knowledge for you.

“itu” is a qualifying word here.

In an Indonesia sentence the qualifying word comes after the noun it qualifies.

“itu” as an article refers to things, animals or persons that have been mentioned before.

The context will show whether “itu” is translated by “the” or by “that”.

If it is already understood which thing, animal or person is meant, we do not use the aeticle “itu”:

“that is the table” means “itu meja”

“table” means “meja”

Itu meja (I’tu Me’ja)

That is the table

Another example is

“The dog” or “That dog” means “anjing itu”

Anjing itu (an’jing I’tu)

The dog, that dog

“The driver” or “That driver” means “Supir itu”

Supir itu (Su’pir I’tu)

The driver, that driver

When you visit Indonesia, of course you want to buy something for your family, friend, or your copule, it’s called “oleh-oleh”, but you’ve to know how to ask the price of the things that you want to buy.

After that, while going toward a shop, and there’s a beautiful thing that attract you to buy it, and you’re eager to buy it. Say “how much is the price?, to ask the price.

You point toward a thing that’s showed in the shop window. You use article “Itu” or “That”.

We’ll take a necklace as an example.

“Berapa harga kalung itu?” means “How much is that necklace?”

“Berapa harga” means “How much”

Berapa harga (Be’ra’pa Har’ga)

How much

“Kalung” means “Necklace”

Kalung (Ka’lung)


“itu”, you still remember our previous subject, don’t you? It means “That”

“Berapa harga kalung itu?”

Berapa harga kalung itu? (Be’ra’pa Har’ga Ka’lung I’tu)

How much is that necklace?

We take an example that the thing is an earing.

“Berapa harga anting itu?” means “How much is that earring?”

However, if you’ve held that thing, you use “Ini” or “This”.

Let’s take a ring as an example.

“Berapa harga cincin ini?” means “How much is this ring?”

“Cincin” means “Ring”

Cincin (Cin’cin)


“Ini”, you also still remember, means “This”.

Berapa harga cincin ini? (Be’ra’pa Har’ga Cin’cin I’ni)

How much is this ring?

(listen the pronounciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and then try to speak them!)


Berapa harga Anting ini? / itu?


After salesclerk understands which you want, may be there difference in goods whom you chose a while ago, can the colour, its for or the size.

For that be need adverb that can distinguish which you choose.

that relative pronoun “Yang”.

Yang (Yang)


“Yang” has 3 uses.

1. “Yang’ is used to emphasize an adjective; especially when two adjectives follow the noun.


Kaos yang putih (Ka’os Yang Pu’tih)

The White shirt

Sepatu yang merah (Se’pa’tu Yang Me’rah)

The Red shoe

2. “Yang” has also the function of the English propword one, ones


Yang mana? (Yang Ma’na)

Which one?

Yang mana anda suka? (Yang Ma’na An’da Su’ka)

Which one do you like?

3. “Yang” can also be compared with the relative pronouon who, which, that


Kalung yang kamu pegang (Ka’lung Yang Ka’mu Pe’gang)

Necklace which you hold on

Roti yang kamu makan (Ro’ti Yang Ka’mu Ma’kan)

Bread which you’re eating

I have fit minor for this theme, that is direction and colours.

( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

(if you find (….’….) Open and read The Intoduction for learn how to spell characters in Indonesian)

Kanan (Ka’nan)


Kiri (Ki’ri)


Biru (Bi’ru)


Coklat (Cok’lat)


Hijau (Hi’jau)


Hitam (Hi’tam)


Kuning (ku’ning)


Merah (Me’rah)


Putih (Pu’tih)


you certain can develop with your sentences self.

You’ve understand, haven’t you?, I’m sure you have.

We are done for today. We have learned a lot of very important thing. Take some time to practice them.

I’ll give you many vocabularies. Use this vocabularies for practicing. As I’ve said before, by practicing immediately, you’ll master it faster.

It’s funny, isn’t it? In the next lesson, I’ll teach you how to pronounce numbers, a clock, and calender in Bahasa Indonesia. Not only those topics but also many interested topics that will be taught to you.

There are a lot of lessons and knowledge more funny, so that it will make you feel happy and comfort in learning Bahasa Indonesia. Hence, what you’re waiting for…..

Good luck and see you soon in next lesson!

I stand by you in the next lesson!

Good bye! It’s pleasure to meet you!

Lesson 4 vocabulary


( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

(Open and read The Intoduction for learn how to spell characters in Indonesian)

Word Indonesia Spell Word English

Banyak (ba’nyak) Much, Many

Baru (Ba’ru) New

Besar (be’sar) Big, large

Berat (be’rat) Heavy

Barang (ba’rang) Goods, things luggage

Beli (be’li) Buy

Bungkus (bung’kus) Pack

Bayar (ba’yar) Pay

Betul (be’tul) Right

Buku (bu’ku) Book

Cangkir (cang;kir) Cup

Celana (ce’la’na) Trousers

Dekat (de’kat) Near

Enak (e’nak) Tasty

Gelas (ge’las) Glass

Jauh (ja’uh) Far

Kecil (ke’cil) Small

Kotak (ko’tak) Box

Kunci (kun’ci) Key

Kacamata (ka’ca’ma’ta) Eyeglasses

Kaos (ka’os) Socks

Kemeja (ke’me’ja) Shirt

Karcis (kar’cis) Ticket

Kecil (ke’cil) Small

Lemari (le’ma’ri) Cupboard

Memakai (me;ma’kai) To wear

Mobil (mo’bil) Car

Mau (ma’u) to want to

Minta (min’ta) To ask for

Mahal (ma’hal) Expensive

Murah (mu’rah) Cheap

Pasar (pa’sar) Market

Pedagang (pe’da’gang) Merchant

Panjang (pan’jang) Long

Pendek (pen’cek) Short

Pelayan (pe’la’yan) Waiter

Pembantu (pem’ban’tu) Servent

Pensil (pen’sil) Pencil

Pakaian (pa’kai’an) Cloth

Ringan (ri’ngan) Light

Sendok (sen’dok) Spoon

Sepeda (se’pe’da) bicycle

Surat kabar (su’rat Ka’bar) News paper

Sedikit (se’di’’kit) Little, few

Salah (sa’lah) Wrong

Tinggi (ting’gi) High, tall

Toko (to’ko) Shop

Tukang (tu’kang) Workman

Taruh (ta’ruh) To put

Warna (war’na) Colour

Tas (tas) Bag

Tukar (tu’kar) To change

Uang (u’ang) Money

lesson 4 Exercise




Latihan 1
Exercise 1

1). how ask about existing shoe price in front of you?

2). how say that you choose the blue T-shirt?

3). How many existing colour in lesson 4, mention in indonesian?

Latihan 2
Exercise 2

Translate the English words and write the answer down!

1. Apa ini ? ...................................

2. Siapa itu ?...................................

3. Apa itu ?......................................

4. Berapa harga kalung itu ?............

5. Berapa harga cincin itu ?................

Latihan 3
Exercise 3

Answer the questions!

1. How to say “it is table”.

2. How to say “that driver”.

3. How to say “how much is that earing ?”

The Answers

Latihan 1
Exercise 1

1. Berapakah harga sepatu ini?

2. Kaos yang biru.

3. 7 warna

a. Biru

b. Coklat

c. Hijau

d. Hitam

e. Kuning

f. Merah

g. Putih

Latihan 2
Exercise 2

  1. What is this

2. What is that

3. Who is that

4. How much is that necklace

5. How much is this ring

Latihan 3
Exercise 3

1. Itu meja

2. Itu supir

3. How much is this ring

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Kopeng / umbul songo merupakan kawasan wisata yang cukup dikenal dijawa tengah, Indonesia. Terletak dilereng gunung merbabu + 1250 m dpl, 16 km dari salatiga, 30 km magelang dan 64 km dari semarang, jawa tengah, Indonesia. Merupakan wisata harian, tersedia fasilitas arena bermain anak, jalan setapak, bumi perkemahan dibawah naungan hutan pinus, dan wisma kopeng.

In English


Kopeng / umbul songo (umbul nine) be tour area enough known at central java, indonesia. Located in mountainside merbabu + 1250 m dpl, 16 km from salatiga, 30 km magelang and 64 km from semarang, central java, indonesia. Be daily tour, available arena facilities plays child, footpath, camp earth under pine forest shelter, and public building kopeng.


Kawasan wisata pegunungan yang merupakan tempat rekreasi yang terkenal, dengan hawa yang sejuk bersuhu 18 – 25 C, 670 m dpl, pemandangan alam yang indah. Berada 14 km dari purwokerto dan 67 km dari cilacap, jawa tengah, Indonesia. Terdapat banyak obyek wisata yaitu bumi perkemahan, pancuran tiga (3), pancuran tujuh (7) dan telaga sunyi.

Wisata baturaden dengan fasilitas wisma baturaden (11 kamar tidur, ruang pertemuan, dan keluarga) dan pondok Sylvia (3 kamar tidur) untuk wisatawan yang berminat melewatkan acara malam hari, fasilitas bumi perkemahan disediakan untuk lebih menghayati lingkungan alam dilengkapi dengan peralatan perkemahan yang dapat disewa pengunjung.

Fasilitas lain adalah joglo sebagai tempat atraksi, lapangan tennis, jalan setapak, untuk lintas alam sambil menikmati keindahan hutan damar (agathis sp), sebagai tempat pendidikan tentang pengelolaan hutan damar secara lestari dan kegiatan outbound

Baturaden pernah digunakan untuk tempat jamboree nasional 2001 dengan peserta lebih 10.000 orang.

In English


Ridges tour area that be famous recreation place, with temperature cool air 18 - 25 c, 670 m dpl, beautiful nature scenery. Present 14 km from purwokerto and 67 km from cilacap, central java, indonesia. There are a lot of tour object that is camp earth, shower three (3), shower seven (7) and lonely lake.

Tour baturaden with public building facilities baturaden (11 bedroom, meeting room, and family) and hovel sylvia (3 bedroom) for tourist that intend to let pass bighttime programme, camp earth facilities be be provided to be more inspire nature environment be be equiped with camp device that can be charterred visitor.

Facilities other joglo as attraction place, tennis court, footpath, to crosscountry while enjoy resin torch forest beauty (agathis sp), as education place about resin torch forest management everlastingly and activity outbound

Baturaden ever used for place jamboree national 2001 with entrant more 10.000 person


Wanda : Selamat pagi, tuan!

Jack : Selamat pagi, apakah Tuan Doherti ada?

Wanda : Ya, dapatkah saya mengetahui nama Anda?

Jack : Tuan Jack dari Generation, Inc. ini kartu nama saya.

Wanda : Saya kira Tuan Doherti sedang ada tamu

Jack : Apakah dia akan lama?

Wanda : Oh, tidak. Sebentar lagi akan selesai.

Jack : Baiklah akan saya tunggu.

Wanda : Silahkan duduk. Akan saya beritahukan bila dia telah selesai.

Jack : Terima kasih

Wanda : Tuan Doherti sudah siap menemui Anda. Silahkan masuk.

Jack : Terima kasih

Doherti : Selamat pagi, Tuan Jack. Sangat senang berjumpa dengan Anda. Silahkan duduk. Saya harap Anda baik-baik saja.

Jack : Baik, terima kasih. Tuan kelihatan lebih baik daripada terakhir kali berjumpa.

Doherti : Baiklah, apa kabar, Tuan Jack? Bagaimana usaha Anda?

Jack : Baik sekali, terima kasih. Ini adalah salinan dari kontrak perjanjian kita. semua syarat tercetak di sini. Kami memberikan kapada Anda komisi 8 (delapan) persen untuk semua transaksi. Silahkan Anda membacanya dan memutuskannya.

Doherti : Baiklah, saya akan membacanya dan mempertimbangkannya. Sudikah Anda kembali lagi minggu depan?

Jack : Tentu! Apa yang anda putuskan? Tentunya syarat-syaratnya dapat dijalankan dan menguntungkan.

Doherti : Baik, saya kira beberapa syarat dapat kami terima .

Jack : Terima kasih, tuan Doherti.

In English

Wanda : good morning, sir!

Jack : good morning, is Mr Doherti in?

Wanda : yes, may I ask your name?

Jack : Mr. jack of the Generation, Inc. here’s my card.

Wanda : I am afraid Mr Doherti is engaged just now

Jack : Will he be long?

Wanda : Oh, no. I think he will be free in a few minutes.

Jack : Very well, I will wait.

Wanda : Won’t you sit down? I will let him know you’re here the moment he’s free.

Jack : Thank you.

Wanda : Mr Doherti is free and will see you now. Please come in.

Doherti : Goo morning, Mr Jack. I’m delighted to see you. Won’t you please sit down? You are well I hope.

Jack : Very well, thank you. And you look better than you did whwn I last saw you.

Doherti : Well, what’s the news, Mr jack? How’s your business?

Jack : Pretty good, thank you. Here is a copy of our contract agreement. All the terms are printed here. We should like to allow you a eight percents commission on all business transacted. Would you kindly read it and make a decision?

Doherti : Well, I will read it over and consider it. Would you mind coming back here next week?

Jack : Certainly! What have you decided? I’m sure you have found all the terms practicable and profitable.

Doherti : Well, I think some of the terms would suit us very well.

Jack : Thank you, Mr Doherti.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Vocabulary 3


( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

(Open and read The Intoduction for learn how to spell characters in Indonesian)

  • Word Indonesia


Word English

  • Anak



  • Badan



  • Belum


Not yet

  • Bersama

Together with

  • Bermain


To play

  • Bersih



  • Dingin






  • Gigi



  • Gadis


Young girl

  • Hati-hati

(ha’ti ha’ti)


  • Hidung



  • Ikut


To follow

  • Ingat


To remember

  • Kertas



  • Keluarga



  • Kotor



  • Kosong



  • Kopor



  • Kembali


To return

  • Kaki



  • Malas



  • Mudah



  • Orang tua

(o’rang tu’a)


  • Panas



  • Pintar



  • Pupil



  • Pria



  • Pulang


To go come home

  • Rambut



  • Rumah



  • Sepatu



  • Sehat



  • Sulit



  • Teman



  • Tolong



  • Tangan



  • Wanita

