Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lesson 4 vocabulary


( Listen the pronunciations carefully, practice them by yourself, and try to speak them! )

(Open and read The Intoduction for learn how to spell characters in Indonesian)

Word Indonesia Spell Word English

Banyak (ba’nyak) Much, Many

Baru (Ba’ru) New

Besar (be’sar) Big, large

Berat (be’rat) Heavy

Barang (ba’rang) Goods, things luggage

Beli (be’li) Buy

Bungkus (bung’kus) Pack

Bayar (ba’yar) Pay

Betul (be’tul) Right

Buku (bu’ku) Book

Cangkir (cang;kir) Cup

Celana (ce’la’na) Trousers

Dekat (de’kat) Near

Enak (e’nak) Tasty

Gelas (ge’las) Glass

Jauh (ja’uh) Far

Kecil (ke’cil) Small

Kotak (ko’tak) Box

Kunci (kun’ci) Key

Kacamata (ka’ca’ma’ta) Eyeglasses

Kaos (ka’os) Socks

Kemeja (ke’me’ja) Shirt

Karcis (kar’cis) Ticket

Kecil (ke’cil) Small

Lemari (le’ma’ri) Cupboard

Memakai (me;ma’kai) To wear

Mobil (mo’bil) Car

Mau (ma’u) to want to

Minta (min’ta) To ask for

Mahal (ma’hal) Expensive

Murah (mu’rah) Cheap

Pasar (pa’sar) Market

Pedagang (pe’da’gang) Merchant

Panjang (pan’jang) Long

Pendek (pen’cek) Short

Pelayan (pe’la’yan) Waiter

Pembantu (pem’ban’tu) Servent

Pensil (pen’sil) Pencil

Pakaian (pa’kai’an) Cloth

Ringan (ri’ngan) Light

Sendok (sen’dok) Spoon

Sepeda (se’pe’da) bicycle

Surat kabar (su’rat Ka’bar) News paper

Sedikit (se’di’’kit) Little, few

Salah (sa’lah) Wrong

Tinggi (ting’gi) High, tall

Toko (to’ko) Shop

Tukang (tu’kang) Workman

Taruh (ta’ruh) To put

Warna (war’na) Colour

Tas (tas) Bag

Tukar (tu’kar) To change

Uang (u’ang) Money

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